HomeNewsHow to Prevent Your Pixel Phone from Overheating: Google's Guide

How to Prevent Your Pixel Phone from Overheating: Google’s Guide

Google Pixel phones are renowned for their impressive features and performance, but they also have a reputation for running hot, which can lead to performance throttling. While Google has made strides in improving the thermals of their devices, they have also introduced a new feature called Adaptive Thermal. This feature aims to help manage the temperature of Pixel phones more effectively. This guide explores how to prevent your Pixel phone from overheating and dive deep into Google’s Adaptive Thermal system.

How to Prevent Your Pixel Phone from Overheating

Understanding Thermal Throttling

Thermal throttling is common in modern smartphones, including the Google Pixel series. When a device’s temperature reaches a certain threshold, the system automatically reduces the performance to prevent overheating and potential damage. While this protects the hardware, it can lead to noticeable slowdowns and decreased performance during heavy usage.

The Role of Adaptive Thermal

Google’s Adaptive Thermal is integrated into the Pixel’s Device Health Services app. It monitors the device’s temperature and takes necessary actions to prevent overheating. Adaptive Thermal doesn’t magically cool down the phone but provides notifications and initiates steps to manage the temperature more effectively.

Notifications and Alerts

When the phone’s temperature reaches 49 degrees Celsius, Adaptive Thermal sends an initial notification reading, “Phone Needs to Cool Down.” This alert advises users to avoid direct sunlight and close any demanding apps. This proactive measure helps users immediately cool down their devices before they reach critical temperatures.

Pixel phone hot
Screenshot: reddit

Emergency State Management

If the temperature continues to rise and hits 52 degrees Celsius, the phone enters an emergency state. More drastic measures are taken during this phase to cool down the device. At 55 degrees Celsius, Adaptive Thermal issues a 30-second shutdown warning to prevent further damage, ensuring the safety of the phone’s components.

Practical Tips to Prevent Overheating

To keep your Pixel phone cool, consider these practical tips:

  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Keep your phone out of the sun, especially during hot weather.
  • Close Battery-Intensive Apps: Shut down apps that consume much power and generate heat.

Additional Cooling Measures

Sometimes, additional measures are necessary to keep your phone cool:

  • Using Phone Coolers: Special phone coolers can help dissipate heat.
  • Utilizing Airflow and External Fans: Enhance airflow around your device using external fans or vents.

Optimizing Device Settings

Adjusting your device settings can also help in managing its temperature:

  • Reduce Screen Brightness: Lowering the screen brightness can significantly reduce heat generation.
  • Turn Off Unnecessary Features: Features like GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi consume power and generate heat, so turn them off when not in use.

Battery and Charging Tips

Proper battery and charging practices can prevent overheating:

  • Avoid Overcharging: Disconnect your phone from the charger once fully charged.
  • Use Original Chargers: Always use the original charger or certified alternatives to ensure safe charging.

Long-Term Solutions for Overheating

For a more permanent solution to overheating:

  • Software Updates and Patches: Keep your device‘s software up-to-date to benefit from the latest thermal management improvements.
  • Investing in Future-Proof Technology: Consider upgrading to newer models with better thermal management systems.

Compared with Other Brands

Different smartphone manufacturers have various approaches to handling thermal issues:

  • Advanced SoCs: Brands like Apple and Samsung use advanced Systems on Chips (SoCs) with better thermal efficiency.
  • Efficient Cooling Materials: Innovative cooling materials and design techniques keep devices cooler.

User Experiences with Adaptive Thermal

Pixel users have shared their experiences with Adaptive Thermal:

  • Real-Life Scenarios: Many users have reported that the feature effectively helps manage the temperature during prolonged usage.
  • Feedback from Pixel Users: Positive feedback highlights the importance of user awareness and proactive measures in preventing overheating.

Future of Google Pixel and Thermal Management

Looking ahead, the upcoming Tensor G5 chip holds promise for better thermal management:

  • Upcoming Tensor G5 Expectations: The Tensor G5 is expected to be manufactured by TSMC, which could lead to improved thermal performance.
  • Potential Improvements in Future Models: Google aims to address thermal issues more effectively in its future Pixel models.


Managing the temperature of your Pixel phone is crucial to maintaining its performance and longevity. Google’s Adaptive Thermal feature is a significant step forward in helping users prevent overheating. Following this guide’s practical tips and measures, you can keep your Pixel phone cool and running smoothly.

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