The anime adaptation, produced by MAPPA Studios, debuted in 2022 and was met with critical acclaim for its vibrant animation and compelling storytelling. The first season, spanning 12 episodes, covered up to the Katana Man Arc.
Fans eagerly await the next installment, but instead of a second season, MAPPA surprised audiences with a cinematic adaptation of the Bomb Girl Arc, Chainsaw Man: The Movie—Reze Arc. This film is expected to bridge the gap to future anime episodes.
Table of Contents
Overview of All Chainsaw Man Arcs
Part 1: Public Safety Saga
This saga introduces Denji and the dangerous world of devil hunting.
Arc Title | Anime Episodes No. | Manga Chapters No. |
Introduction Arc | 1-2 | 1-4 |
Bat Devil Arc | 2-5 | 5-12 |
Eternity Devil Arc | 5-7 | 13-21 |
Katana Man Arc | 8-12 | 22-38 |
Bomb Girl Arc | Chainsaw Man- The Movie: Reze Arc | 39-52 |
International Assassins Arc | TBD | 53-70 |
Gun Devil Arc | TBD | 71-79 |
Control Devil Arc | TBD | 80-97 |
Total: 8 arcs | TBD | 97 chapters |
Part 2: Academy Saga
This saga introduces Asa Mitaka, a compelling new protagonist, alongside Denji.
Arc Title | Anime Episodes No. | Manga Chapters No. |
Justice Devil Arc | TBD | 98-111 |
Dating Denji Arc | TBD | 112-120 |
Falling Devil Arc | TBD | 121-131 |
Chainsaw Man Church Arc | TBD | 132-155 |
Current Arc (Untitled) | TBD | 156-182 |
Total: 5 arcs and counting | TBD | TBD |
Where Is Chainsaw Man Now?
The anime concluded with the Katana Man Arc. Fans are now eagerly anticipating the release of Chainsaw-Man: The Movie – Reze Arc. Meanwhile, the manga continues to evolve, with Asa Mitaka and Denji navigating the challenges of the latest arc.
Where to Watch Chainsaw Man Anime
Stream Chainsaw-Man on platforms like Crunchyroll, Netflix, and Prime Video. Ensure your preferred service provides access in your region.
Where to Read Chainsaw Man Manga
Catch up on the manga through platforms like Viz Media’s Shonen Jump or Shueisha’s Manga Plus. These services offer free access to the latest chapters.
Chainsaw Man has cemented its status as a modern shonen masterpiece. From heart-pounding battles to deeply emotional moments, each arc offers something unique. As the series continues to grow, it captivates audiences worldwide.